Wednesday, November 24, 2004

a hidden pilgrim heart

As an American, Thanksgiving is always a wonderful time for's filled with family and friends and just good times...but in the back of my heart is always the reality of what Thanksgiving is.

Open your mind for a bit and take a half an hour to read.

If nothing else, just check this out:

Thanksgiving: A Native American View

And if you have the time, here's some more info:

Teaching About Thanksgiving

And here are two songs by Billy Childish/Thee Headcoats. The lyrics aren't necessarily all historically correct, but the passion and love was there.

Thee Headcoats - Crazy Horse - REMOVED
Thee Headcoats with Kira - Pocahontas - REMOVED

Amazon has some Billy Childish stuff, and you can buy the album these came from direct from Subpop.

Have a wonderful holiday.


Blogger erik said...

Johny Cash meets The Residents via the Eskimo LP. For best enjoyment listen with a warm blanket.

6:17 PM  

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