Monday, October 25, 2004

Pretty, pretty flowers...

I can't remember the first time I heard of the Paper Tulips...if it was before or after I met Toast...I think it was before. They were a staple of the Los Angeles/Long Beach Scene, especially Toast, who played in a lot of bands and is an excellent film maker. She has her own web site here, with info on what she's up to and what she's done. It's a wee bit confusing, but worth a trip just to see the amount of drummers the Paper Tulips went through.

So these two songs are from their album "Small Bee, Helicopter Type," which you can get used fairly easily, as it's no longer in print (it wasn't even in the CDDB database...shocking!).

My favorite tracks by them were usually the ones on which Toast sang, I just liked her voice more.

The Paper Tulips - Eugenia - REMOVED

Paper Tulips - As I See It - REMOVED


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4:04 PM  

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