Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ouch...I just realized that I've been doing this for over two years.


First post ever?

Here it is:


So this is it...

since this is my first post, I thought I should post something to which I am indebted, that being a song from Cupid Car far as I know, this has never seen CD, and it isn't that old either. Perhaps you remember The Nation Of Ulysses...perhaps not...but, after their demise, for a short while, Cupid Car Club existed...a very short while, single and a couple of compilations...then came The Make Up and Weird War and well, I could go on, but I won't. So the constant in this is Ian Svenonious...i wish i had hair like's a bit more cohesive bio about them...
Cupid Car Club
be sure to look here:
Past/Future photos

and here's a couple of songs...

Cupid Car Club - "Grape Juice Plus" REMOVED


Wait did that say a couple of songs...well...originally there had been two, but you only get one this time around. What's different? I have not been as consistent as I originally was. I don't post as many old tracks as I used to. Reasons? Time. It's all a question of time. Cheers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on two years. I wondered what the name of yr blog was about.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes congratulations!
Time is everything - but I like the time you spend on your blog! always a good read...

8:31 AM  

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